启示录:迟迟未到的和平 2018.HD720P 高清下载

启示录:迟迟未到的和平  2018.HD720P 高清下载

导演:Isabelle Clarke / 丹尼尔考斯特尔
主演:马修·卡索维茨 / 弗朗索瓦·阿诺德
类型:战争 / 纪录 / 历史
又名:Apocalypse Never-Ending War 1918-1926
评分:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 8.1


  November 11, 1918. As the First World War ends, survivors realize that the world of yesterday is gone forever, buried in the ruins. The victors concoct a precarious peace treaty which they impose on the vanquished. In Europe, Africa, and Asia new nations are forged, often through strife and conflict. In no time hatred, fear, and resentment bubble up from the depths of traumatized societies, sowing chaos in the new world order: revolutions, crises, waves of migration, and civil wars are fertile ground for totalitarianism. People try to shake off memories of war to the frantic beat of the Charleston, blind to the approach of a new Apocalypse.


文章标题:启示录:迟迟未到的和平 2018.HD720P 高清下载


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