女人的选择 1984巴西剧情 HD720P 迅雷下载

女人的选择 1984巴西剧情 HD720P 迅雷下载

导演: John Doo
编剧: Milton Donara / Ody Fraga
主演: Helena Ramos / Romeu de Freitas / Vanessa Alves / André Loureiro / Alvamar Taddei / 更多…
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 巴西
语言: 葡萄牙语
上映日期: 1984
片长: 89分钟
又名: The Chick’s Ability
IMDb: tt0261395

女人的选择的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

  When the travesty Lili “Oswaldo” Marlene brings the single mother Cristina and her baby to the hospital, Dr. Laura finds that the baby has a problem and asks what happened with Cristina to Lili. She explains that Cristina had intercourse with her boyfriend in the countryside and her father expelled her from home. She moves to the apartment of her acquaintance Carla (Alvamar Taddei), who is a whore, but she does not receive Cristina. She ends at Lili’s apartment that supports her. Laura explains that the baby needs an expensive surgery to survive. Meanwhile Laura’s boyfriend Marcos is looking for a nude model with a special face for his paintings and Laura offers the job to Cristina. But Carla’s pimp invites Cristina to prostitute for him and offers a small fortune per program for her. What will Cristina do?



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文章标题:女人的选择 1984巴西剧情 HD720P 迅雷下载


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