诺亚方舟大冒险 2020爱尔兰喜剧动画 BD1080P.高清下载

诺亚方舟大冒险 2020爱尔兰喜剧动画 BD1080P.高清下载

导演:托比·格恩科尔 / Sean McCormack
编剧:里奇·康罗伊 / 马克·霍德金森
主演:Max Carolan / 艾娃·康纳利 / 德莫特·莫根尼斯 / 塔拉·弗林 / 玛丽·默里 / Brendan McDonald / Carly Kane / Alan Stanford / 艾琳·米森 / 保罗·泰来克 / 卢克·格瑞芬 / Alisha Weir / Joe McDonald / Jacob Mason / Rebecca Walsh / 展开…
类型:喜剧 / 冒险 / 动画
地区:爱尔兰 / 卢森堡
又名:Two by Two: Overboard!
评分:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.9 / 烂番茄 N/A


  Noah’s ark drifts on the open seas, with best friends Finny and Leah on board. But, after weeks with no land in sight, food stocks are running low. The fragile peace between carnivores and herbivores could break any second. After a series of unfortunate events, the kids find themselves inadvertently washed overboard – along with the last of the food supplies. Leah and fellow castaway, their new friend Jelly, are marooned on a remote island. While Finny wakes in a strange colony filled with oddly familiar creatures living in harmony – under the threat of a menacing volcano. In a race against time, tide and terrifying tremors, Finny must rescue his friends, reunite with his family and save a whole colony from total destruction.


文章标题:诺亚方舟大冒险 2020爱尔兰喜剧动画 BD1080P.高清下载


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